Friends come and go, because we as people change and grow. As my graduation from college quickly approaches I fear the looming thought of saying goodbye to the friends that have made these past four years so wonderful.
Why must we endure the ripping apart of friendships because of geography?! I hate that I will only be able to see my friends a few times over a matter of years because of jobs, money, and time. I am terrified of losing my friends, the people that have supported, fueled, and loved me.
Some people say that the friends you make in college will be the ones you will still have at the end of your life. And I have to say, I agree. The friends I have made here, helped me to really find and love myself. Where did you meet your best friends? Have you ever had the painful task of saying goodbye?
I've moved around a lot for career and educational reasons. I've made best friends at each stop and it is always hard to say goodbye. I keep in touch with a few friends from each stop. Perhaps it would be more if I hadn't made so many location changes in my life :-).