Friday, January 30, 2015

First Love

I met Cody in the 7th grade during Mrs. Avery's homeroom class. He was my first love, and my boyfriend from 8th grade to our senior year of high school. There is something so innocent and wonderful about first loves. Most people find their first love at a younger age, making it even more frustrating when someone would say, "What do you know about love? You're just a kid." When we are younger we fight against our age, trying to race ahead into the future...until we are older, and then all we can talk about is getting younger. Or younger looking that is.

A first love can help us through all the ups and downs that go along with the very overwhelming and sometimes life altering state of love. All the awkward firsts that we experience: first kiss, dance, date, and breakup. All things that can be wonderful and exciting, but also terrifying. Having that person that you can trust, that is experiencing it along with you, can only form a lifelong bond of experience. I will always carry a small piece of Cody in my heart, because he was a part of my story. Because of him I learned how to laugh, when I am taking myself too seriously, and how to push forward even when you think your dreams have been shattered.

Losing him felt like life would never go on...and look at me now. My story is still being written.

I'm curious, what did you learn from your First Love? Were you heart broken or the heart breaker? Do you still think about them from time to time? When did you know that they were the one or not the one? Let me know.

“Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don’t know you’re having one until you’re right in the middle of it.” 
 E.A. Bucchianeri

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Only Human

As humans we naturally crave emotional and physical connections with other people. Those connections help us to grow as individuals, and allow us to enter the world with a better understanding of how it works. Every day people enter and exit our lives, some will seem insignificant, while others seem to shake the very foundation of our worlds. 

Each person can teach you something about the world, and some can even teach you something about yourself...if you let them. This blog is the discuss situations and relationships in my life that have shaped me into the women I am today. I invite my readers to also share there stories and thoughts on all that is said here. So, what do you think? What is it about love and loss that can shake us to the core? What causes those goosebumps on your arms or those butterflies in your stomach? Or the sudden pain in your heart, when you lose your first love? How do we coupe, and how do we move on?

I am excited to go on this journey of self-discovery! I hope to come out on the other side with a refreshing view of the world and a yearning for more life, more love, and more experiences.

Happy Blogging! :)